Emergency Notifications

Emergency broadcasting using phone and SMS to warn and alert people to dangers, but can also be used for more mundane notifications such as school closures and general community information both via phone and SMS.


Weather Information and Warnings

Terrorism alerts

School and Office closures

Chemical and Gas Leaks

AMBER Alerts for lost and missing children

General safety and health information

Core Features

  • Flexible IVR System – build complex IVR trees to disseminate information
  • High Capacity – tested at 1 million calls in under 5 hours.
  • Realtime Reporting – Capacity monitoring and other other key indicators.
  • Scalable – Multi-server architecture available for very high capacity.
  • Voicemail Detection – Detect voicemail and drop the message in after the beep
  • Adaptive Web pages – Manage the system from a range of devices
  • API integration – Integrate with other systems
  • SMS and Voice – Supports SMS and Voice messaging
  • Live Person Confirmation – confirm contact has heard the message
  • User Friendly – Intuitive web based customer and management interfaces

Products to consider

Consider the Emerzia Emergency Voice Broadcast system designed for capacity and reliability, available in single server or multi-server configurations for very high capacity.

Click to find out more about the Emerzia Emergency Voice Broadcast system.

Click to find out more about Emerzia