Special Applications

Special Applications.

The products listed in the solutions section are just selection of the most popular products A2Billing can provide, however with some imagination, other solutions can be provided using A2Billing. Some of the projects we have assisted with are:

  • Translation Service: The customer calls an access number and is put through to a translator to help with those awkward moments in a foreign country where someone can assist on the end of the phone in translating. A2Billing handled the charging of the customer, and kept track of the distribution of calls to the translators so that they can be paid on the number of calls they provide.
  • Expert on Call: Similar to the Translation service above in operation, however in this case we provided an API to allow the customer to log in to a secure web page, click the person they wanted to talk to, and then the A2Billing set up a call to the customer, and on answer, set up the call to the desired expert, and made charges as appropriate. Because the call was sent to the customer, the system could be used for services of a discreet nature.
  • Call Conferencing System: Charging by the minute for a conferencing service, this was also implemented for a remote learning and teaching application.
  • Phone Budget Management: Star2Billing installed a PBX and A2Billing for a large Government Department to limit the number of calls that any one extension could make over the course of a week, as well as recording all calls. if the limits were exceeded, calls were stopped, and the government employee would need to report to his supervisor to justify their calls and extend their limit while at the same time, allowing the department to audit and monitor phone calls and costs. Amusingly, this idea was taken up by one of the technical staff we trained, to manage and limit his home phone bill incurred by his teenage daughters, that, in his words, “was of biblical proportions”
  • Customer Accounting: Star2Billing have assisted in a number of deployments to account for outbound calls to clients from a lawyer’s office, and also to account and charge for telephone support in a technical support company.

From these few examples, it can be demonstrated that A2Billing can be used in a variety of imaginative ways where phone calls need to be assigned to a cost centre for internal budgeting, or where customers are being presented with pay as you go service.

If you have an idea for your business where A2Billing, possibly blended with other products and services, may be appropriate, please contact us to discuss your ideas.