On the 27th of January 2005, Belaïd (Areski) Arezqui announced to the Asterisk mailing lists the release of AreskiCC, an Open Source LAMP application that interfaced with Asterisk to provide a calling card application, later to be called A2Billing.

Over the past 5 years, A2Billing, combined with Asterisk from DIgium has been developed into a competent Soft-Switch for Call Through services, e.g. calling cards, VoIP termination and billing for VoIP phones, IP PBX systems, and wholesale termination of minutes and DID, as well as numerous other imaginative and unusual applications.

A2Billing is licensed under the AGPL (Affero General Public License), and therefore is free to customise and adapt for the customer’s particular application, and furthermore, is free of charge to download and use. There is a wealth of information, help and documentation provided by the A2Billing community.

In 2009, Star2Billing S.L., based in Barcelona, Spain, was set up by Belaïd Arezqui, The Author of A2Billing, and Jonathan Roper; Author of various Asterisk based PBX aggregations, with nearly three decades of experience in Telecommunications; to provide support and consultancy to customers wishing to deploy A2Billing in a commercial environment.

The partnership has been a resounding success, now employing staff who provide consultancy, installation, support and development services to their customers, and is succeeding in its aims of providing a revenue stream to help A2Billing develop into a leading Telephony Switch in both the proprietary and open source markets.

Star2Billing S.L. have developed a number of new turnkey products based on A2Billing such as IP-Centrex and Multi-tenant PBX solutions with full billing capabilities, Predictive Dialler and Sales Campaign tools, High Capacity Residential VoIP systems, and Reseller Editions for VoIP wholesalers.

Star2Billing S.L. will be celebrating its 5th anniversary week by giving a talk at ATLAUG (The Atlanta Asterisk Users Group) on Tuesday January 26th 2010, see http://atlaug.com for more details. Additionally we will as giving away free installations and training via the A2Billing forums.

Star2Billing would also like to announce that is beginning development of the next iteration of A2Billing, codenamed Sigma, which promises even greater call densities, and a raft of new features, which will carry Star2Billing S.L. forward for the next 5 years.

For more information, please visit www.star2billing.com, or email [email protected]

Belaïd Arezqui & Jonathan Roper

Star2Billing S.L.